Hey nice to meet you!

Clothes are meaningless until a person lives in them or so the saying goes and with each outfit a story can be told.
I've always wanted to tell my story through fashion and Mrs Stugnell provides me with the ability to do this. Sharing my take on fashion through this blog and on Instagram I’m catapulting you through my very colourful way of life.
Being Brazilian and living in the UK for over 20 years I combine both the bright and vibrant colours of Rio de Janeiro with the traditions of chic British tailoring - oh and let's not leave out the fashionistas of mainland Europe with many inspirations coming from the elegant Italian and French styles.
Disengage fashion from style
When I was 17 I received my first pay check and with that I splashed the cash and invested in my first chic outfit. However, it soon transpired that each month’s paycheck was not going to stretch to meet those expensive tastes! Still, with a love of fashion I decided to use my creativity and learnt to dress on a budget, discovering a personal sense of style and realising that to push my own ideals of fashion I needed to disengage fashion from style. I had to think how do I take the high street to a design stylish look.
Now I am at a different stage of my life, a little more mature from my young self but some principles remain, especially when it comes to personal style. It is not about one specific style but to dress and tell a story. Each outfit I wear truly reflects my mood, story and moment in life.
Release your inner fashionista!
21st Century life often leaves us feeling that we have unrealistic fashion trends and targets to live up to – from squeezing in to the latest pair of jeans or trying to shape ourselves to something we’re not often leaves us disillusioned with fashion – but you know what? It’s ok to be comfortable in your own skin and live life in your own style.
Fashion is subjective and uniqueness should be embraced something which has inspired me to start this blog. Let us be us!
Inspiration is everywhere
Inspiration can hit you at any moment. I have taken snapshots of my life and incorporated them into my outfits whenever I can, from the colourful sexy yet elegant Brazilian style to the amazing European sense of elegance, with personal favourites of the British, French, and Italians – the Proseccos good to! I similarly admire the colours of Latin countries and the uniqueness of the Asians. More importantly, how you can mix different styles and bring your own to life.
I'm not a prisoner of fashion but use fashionable trends to inspire and create my own style, and sense of fashion. Style requires attitude, self-confidence and above all style is ageless.
What next?
Mrs Strugnell online boutique will bring to you exclusive sourced items (accessories mainly), hand picked by me, which will help bring out your outfit and make it your own!
I hope you enjoy what I share and join me on this ride! I will be launching Mrs Strugnell boutique soon. Watch this space!
Just grateful for all I have in life and very grateful that you are taking the time to read my blog.
